Learn All About Why And How Often Should You Update Your App

Rob Stark
5 min readApr 26, 2022


So your versatile application is presently assembled and accessible in the application stores. Clients are downloading it, utilizing it and you are getting criticism from blissful clients. However, what’s straightaway?

The excursion has recently started! It is presently time to ponder upkeep for your application (on the off chance that you haven’t as of now) and about the following variants (emphasess).

However, how frequently would it be advisable for you to refresh your application and why?

Importance of Update Your App

The application market is continually developing. The assumptions for applications continue to get tightened increasingly elevated. New advances are arising and working frameworks are being gotten to the next level.

In the event that you don’t need your application to seem drained, outdated or dead, you ought to take care to consistently refresh it. Also, incidentally, ordinary updates are an extraordinary method for keeping clients intrigued and locked in.

Here are the most widely recognized motivations behind why you ought to refresh your application:

#1 People love oddity

Individuals love new elements in their applications so you ought to consistently offer your clients intriguing and supportive application refreshes. Additionally, by refreshing your application, you have an extraordinary reason to send spring up warnings to show your clients that you care about their necessities.

#2 Remove or supplant all that has lost significance

Portable applications get obsolete over the long haul. This is unavoidable because of the steady development of versatile tech. It’s essential to choose any old and pointless components and eliminate or supplant them with new, modern elements or data that addresses the clients’ issues.

#3 Date of last update

Clients can continuously see when the application was keep going refreshed on Google Play or App Store. In the event that your versatile application doesn’t have successive updates it will lose believability.

#4 Improvement of the client experience

Enhancements, in view of client criticism, imply that the application is continuously giving more noteworthy utility to the client. The application turns out to be more important, really captivating and more valuable. The more firmly adjusted the application is to crowd prerequisites, the more it will be utilized and the more income it will create.

#5 Increase Downloads

Consistent upkeep decidedly impacts the rating of the portable application in the business sectors. This makes it simpler for clients to view and more probable as downloaded.

Thus, summing up: your application should be refreshed to keep it on top. In any case, what is the suggested recurrence of application refreshing?

How Often Should You Update Your App

As referenced, applications are more esteemed when they are refreshed much of the time. By clients as well as by Apple Store and Google Play.

In any case, know! Exorbitant updates can bring about client weariness. Despite the fact that clients like to see new updates and elements on their most loved applications, getting update warnings also as often as possible can get tiring. The recurrence of updates enormously relies upon clients’ criticism and application execution insights.

We can discuss three distinct new delivery techniques…

ordinary updates: there is an arranged, intermittent succession of new deliveries

due to legitimate need: bug fixing, new component discharge, etc

voluntarily: you update your application at whatever point you need, with next to no timetable

Taking everything into account, a decent number is 1–2 little enhancements each month. By enhancements, we mean minor overhauls, upgrades, and new elements. Ordinary, gradual improvement is better that irregular upgrades of the application.

Nonetheless, the recurrence of application updates can contrast contingent upon your objectives and application’s usefulness.

Remember that each new delivery should be submitted and endorsed by the application stores. Apple, specifically, can require a long time to endorse refreshes. This should be viewed as while arranging new delivery planning.

Elements to Consider When Scheduling New Releases

#1 App Bug Fixing Updates

Tragically nothing is at any point great. Especially with regards to tech!. Regardless of whether applications are thoroughly tried before discharge, things can turn out badly. A few bugs can be subtle and just become clear after discharge.

Obviously, bug fixes ought to be managed as quickly as time permits and, once settled, the applications ought to be resubmitted.

#2 App Feature Release Updates

As we referenced above, individuals love new highlights. To keep your crowd effectively drew in, it is great practice to plan, timetable and delivery new elements with consistency.

#3 Enhancing the application UI/UX

The usefulness of the application, its working velocity, its exhibition dependability — all vital. In any case, the main thing a client sees while sending off your item is what it resembles. So the application’s plan is basic.

What are the motivations to change the plan, update and improve it?

change in corporate brand rules

excessively convoluted and befuddling UI

non natural client ventures

modernize/renew plan

#4 Operating System refreshes

All working frameworks are routinely improved to give clients better insight. However, tragically, when an OS gets refreshed, it can influence the presentation of your application: data move speed can be lost, a few highlights can decline to work appropriately, and so forth. To stay away from it, you ought to deliver a framework update that will guarantee the application is working accurately.

#5 User input

This is basic.

There are multiple ways of getting client input.

Clients frequently leave criticism for applications on the application stores. They submit suppositions on bugs, abandons, execution issues and possibly missing highlights. Application proprietors ought to respond rapidly to this kind of criticism and, when the input is substantial, resolve the issues.

Application proprietors can likewise proactively produce criticism by connecting straightforwardly with clients (and expected clients). Assuming you really need your applications to convey the best insight and worth, your clients assessments are unadulterated gold. Aggravates other applications and so forth.

Clearly it is difficult to utilize all client criticism while planning future deliveries. A few suppositions will vary or even be inconsistent. A few highlights will be unimaginable in view of financial plan. A few suppositions won’t be harmonious with the upsides of the business.

You want to figure out the perfect balance where an agreement covers with business objectives and the profit from venture model works for the business.


Whether you expect to roll out unconstrained improvements in view of market patterns, planned refreshes, or both, having a brilliant course of action is significant. Make an activity plan for application refreshes, and guarantee that you follow through on time. Having an arrangement is basic to protecting your application new and as you keep on making upgrades.

Considering the speed at which the market develops, there is no time for a really long time, convoluted processes to make application refreshes. Customary, gradual updates, in light of client based insight work best.

At IRoid Technologies our group is exceptionally gifted in portable application improvement. We are one of the best mobile app development company in India capable of updating your application, make sure to us for a free discussion with our specialists!



Rob Stark

“Blogging is just writing — writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology.”